Tuesday, 16 August 2016

VANCANCY!! Teachers Wanted



The duties and responsibilities of a Teacher shall include the following:

Overall Functions

To teach and educate students according to guidelines provided by the National
Curriculum Framework under the overall guidance of the competent education authority;

To teach and educate students according to the educational needs, abilities and attainment potential of individual students entrusted to his/her care by the Head of School or Head of Unit.

Main Responsibilities

Planning, preparing and delivering lessons to all students in the class;

Teaching according to the educational needs, abilities and achievement of the individual students and groups of students;

Adopting and working towards the implementation of the school development plan of the particular school they are giving service in;

Assigning work, correcting and marking work carriedout by his/her students;

Assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress, attainment and behaviour of one’s students;

Providing or contributing to oral and written assessments, reports and references relating to individual students or groups of students;

Participating in arrangements within an agreed national framework for the appraisal of students’ performance;

Promoting the general progress and well-being of individual students, groups of students or class entrusted to him/her;

Providing guidance and advice to students on educational and social matters and on their further education and future careers; providing information on sources of more expert advice;

Communicating, consulting and co-operating with other members of the school staff, including those having posts of special responsibility and parents/guardians to ensure the best interest of students;

Reviewing and evaluating one’s own teaching and learning strategies,
methodologies and programme/s in line with the National Curriculum Framework

Advising and co-operating with the Head of School,
Assistant Head, Heads of Department, Education Officers, and other teachers
in the preparation and development of courses of study, teaching materials
, teaching programmes, methods of teaching and assessment and pastoral care arrangements;

Ensuring high standards of professional practice and quality of teaching and learning of the subject/s. Through effective dialogue, participating in reciprocal peer review and observation of class teaching practice by the Head of Department
(subject/level) concerned;

Participating in In-Service education and training courses as well as in continuing
professional development (CPD) opportunities, and taking part in action research

Maintaining good order and discipline amongst students under one’s care and
safeguarding their health and safety at all times;

Participating in staff, group or other meetings related to the school curriculum or
pastoral care arrangements, for the better organization and administration of the

Contributing to the professional development of new teachers and student
teachers according to arrangements agreed with the Head of School;

Providing the necessary information and advice to the designated personnel in the
school and/or College and to provide all the necessary information regarding
requisitions and arrangements in connection with the teaching of the subject/s
assigned to him/her;

Ensuring the safe custody and optimum use of equipment normally used by
oneself during lessons and sees to its regular servicing and maintenance;

Participating in school assemblies;

Registering and monitoring the attendance of students under one’s care;

Sharing in any possible and reasonable way in the effective management,
organisation, order and discipline of the school;

Nurtures a culture where teachers view themselves essentially as facilitators of
learning and reflective practitioners;

Participating in and contributing to MAPS and IEP conferences and reviews of
officially statemented students and collaborating with parents, SMT, Inclusion
Coordinators and other professionals/stakeholders working with the student;

Together with the Learning Support Assistants, developing and implementing the
Individual Educational Programme (IEP) of students with Individual Educational
Needs and participating in IEP and Individual Transition Plan (ITP) meetings;

Ensuring that schemes and forecast of work carried out in class are handed to the
LSA in good time so that the necessary adaptations and resources are made for
use with students with individual educational needsin class;

Regularly discussing, monitoring the work being carried out by the LSA in class;

In the case of students with severe learning difficulties and with communication
problems, ensuring that a Contact Book is daily updated with the necessary
information including parents’ signature;

Liaising and collaborating with specialist teachers/resource persons and other
professionals working with statemented students;

Making use of audiovisual technological devices/aides (such as radio aids;
projectors) and other adaptations during the delivery of the lessons;

At the secondary level, teachers shall be expected to teach students of different
levels of achievement. Such teachers will preferably teach not more than two
levels unless special circumstances warrant otherwise;

Encouraging participation in EU projects and other projects in accordance with
the SDP targets and as agreed with the Senior Management Team.

Position Overview
A caregiver assists Parents in performing personal care and tasks.

Caregiver Job Description and Duties
• Help clients with the activities of daily living
• Perform personal care task such as hygiene, ambulation, eating, dressing, toileting and shaving
• Play with kids; give them companionship while participating in class activities
• Prepare nutritious meals for the kids
• Provide transfers assistance by moving kids in and out of beds, baths, or mat
• Change kid’s cloth, clean and assist in keeping room, cabinet, and dresser drawers neat and clean
• Maintain a specialized approach to responsibilities such as uniform, start times and absenteeism
• Take and record vital signs
• Create and maintain a pleasant work environment
• Help with sanitation and school keeping tasks.
• Implement and support clients-care plans

Send Your CV to edeworjoy@gmail.com

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