Edo State (17,802 km2) is about the size of Lagos State (3,577km2),
Ekiti State (6,353km2) and Osun State (9,251km2) combined?
That Edo State (17,802km2) is bigger than Anambra State (4,844km2), Enugu State (7,161km2) and Imo state (5,530km2) combined?
That the whole of
Esanland ( Edo Central), which is the smallest section of Edo State, is the size of Ekiti State and bigger
than Imo state (5520km2), Anambra State (4,844km2) or Ebonyi State
That former Bendel State is almost twice
as big as the entire South-East Nigeria (Igboland)? Yet, they are asking
for additional state in the SE whereas only Bendel State (Edo and Delta
States) is bigger than the whole of South East but we are not asking
for the 'national cake'? or our own freedom Why have we been asleep?
They call us minority because we are divided even among ourselves.
...Be informed and transformed.....
N'Edo Gha'a Ma.....
Information is POWER!
Monday, 31 July 2017
Sunday, 30 July 2017
7 Things That Makes A Girl "Wife Material"
Proverbs 18 Vs 22
Am very concern about the alarming rate of failed marriages globally right now especially when it's now very rampant in my country. I would be sharing the secret behind a successful union. We all know that there are some distinctive attributes that makes a girl marriageable and all a man want is to find a good wife because He who finds a good wife as find a special thing and has obtained blessings from thy Lord.
There are basically three types of persons out there
1.There are those not ready for any commitments whatsoever
2.Those who May like to settle down but are not sure when
3.Those who want to Marry
This write up is meant for those in the third category. I will write about the different categories of people in subsequent post. Some of These 7 distinctive characteristic are also applicable to the guys as it is to the girls and I will be listing them in order of preference and importance. Read and be bless
7 things a Guy Want From A Girl He Wants To Marry
1. A Girl That Is Born Again And Control By The Holy Spirit [Spirit Controlled]:
How often we ignore this very important attribute in our spouses. A born again Christian is someone that is filled with the love of God, someone the Holy Spirit can talk to, can direct, not just a church goer. Getting married to an unbeliever is more or less like you are getting married to a problem, to your doom. An unbeliever will always want to put Christianity aside and feels they are reasoning rationally, which often seems to be carnal reasoning. But a believer has the fear of God in him/her and always puts God first in all their doings. Also a believer will always respect their pastors whom will serves as a counselor anytime their marriage is heading to the rock. In 1992 Hilary Clinton marriage to president Bill Clinton the 42rd president of the United States was going was heading to the rock, the marriage was in the brisk of collapse because of President Bill Clinton infidelity, his sex scandal with White House intern Monica Lewinsky affected their marriage and Hilary Clinton later open up that she survived such dark time through pastoral counseling and prayers. Hilary Clinton is a known Methodist and her faith saved her in her time of trials and tribulations she forgave her husband because according to her she always read the story of the prodigal son in the Bible. Being a born again Christian entails us to always [everyday] read our Bible and know what God plans for us.
2. Must Be A Sister/Brother That Is Pursuing Destiny:
This is the second most important attribute, nobody wants a liability anymore. Gone are the days that the male are left with the sole responsibility of providing for all members of the family. A guy want a girl that is going somewhere Apart from your beauty what else can you offer. In today's world, people value assets not liability.
3.Must Be Find-able:
Do not hide behind those defensive walls you built because of heartbreaks. Not all guys are the same, some have no intentions to hurt you. They too might have their own share of heart breaks, you might need each other to heal. One of the ways to make yourself Find-able is by showing courtesy.
4. Willingness To Begin Small:
I know we all have that dream of our Prince Charming or that picture of a Mr Right, but you got to realize that this is real life not a Disney movie. Everyone want that rich dude that has already made his empire and is searching for his queen, we all want that good life you can't deny that we all humans after all, but recall that there is always a price to pay for everything , that's the law of Karma, you cannot eat your cake and have it back. Marrying an already made man does not guarantee a successful marriage, it does not guarantee your happiness in that marriage. Virtually all successful marriages started small, the young couple planned together and achieve their dreams together. Be content like our mothers were. Believe in your spouse, do not despise the vision of that young man, discuss his vision with him and align it with yours If not a criminal, what concerns a 25year old boy and a car worth 25million naira.
5. A Respectful Woman That is Submissive :
Lots of girls out there do not know what it takes to be married. Show respect and be submissive to your husband, this talk about gender equality should not get into your head, our African culture would not allow it, and the God did not create us equal, He made the man head, As my professor in school would say "God was partial in creation". The way you talk to a brother in church is the way you are going to talk to your future husband. Carry the spirit of humility and meekness
6.Be Hardworking:
A girl that is hardworking always pleases every man. A girl that can do house chores, basic things a wife needs to do. As a girl you should know how to clean, how to sweep, and most importantly how to cook good food, it is fondly said that, 'the way to a man's heart is through the stomach' Be a virtuous woman Proverbs 31vs 10 to 31
7. You Must Be Beautiful:
Often time this last piece of the puzzle is usually the first criterion most men look for, so you can see why some marriages fails. Men are move by what they see, being beautiful in this context does not mean all those packages that are trending nowadays. Boys that are into that or look for that in a girl just want her for fun, a one night stand maybe. Being beautiful here means decency, cuteness, neatness. All those makeup and make over are attracting the wrong set of boys in your life. Being beautiful does not also necessary mean being expensive, you can put on the most expensive accessories available to man and still look unattractive like Jezebel to the right man.
*Note - If your standard is too high for a guy and you want that relationship to work please reduce your standard, just bring it down a little.
I hope you read this and become fill with the spirit of understanding to become a better person and be more prepared for your marriage life, because you prepare FOR marriage you do not prepare IN marriage.
I will love to specially appreciate Pastor Tony Topore the General Overseer of Corel Ministry, AKA Jubilee Chapel, All these are his teachings God bless you sir.
Am very concern about the alarming rate of failed marriages globally right now especially when it's now very rampant in my country. I would be sharing the secret behind a successful union. We all know that there are some distinctive attributes that makes a girl marriageable and all a man want is to find a good wife because He who finds a good wife as find a special thing and has obtained blessings from thy Lord.
There are basically three types of persons out there
1.There are those not ready for any commitments whatsoever
2.Those who May like to settle down but are not sure when
3.Those who want to Marry
This write up is meant for those in the third category. I will write about the different categories of people in subsequent post. Some of These 7 distinctive characteristic are also applicable to the guys as it is to the girls and I will be listing them in order of preference and importance. Read and be bless
7 things a Guy Want From A Girl He Wants To Marry
1. A Girl That Is Born Again And Control By The Holy Spirit [Spirit Controlled]:
How often we ignore this very important attribute in our spouses. A born again Christian is someone that is filled with the love of God, someone the Holy Spirit can talk to, can direct, not just a church goer. Getting married to an unbeliever is more or less like you are getting married to a problem, to your doom. An unbeliever will always want to put Christianity aside and feels they are reasoning rationally, which often seems to be carnal reasoning. But a believer has the fear of God in him/her and always puts God first in all their doings. Also a believer will always respect their pastors whom will serves as a counselor anytime their marriage is heading to the rock. In 1992 Hilary Clinton marriage to president Bill Clinton the 42rd president of the United States was going was heading to the rock, the marriage was in the brisk of collapse because of President Bill Clinton infidelity, his sex scandal with White House intern Monica Lewinsky affected their marriage and Hilary Clinton later open up that she survived such dark time through pastoral counseling and prayers. Hilary Clinton is a known Methodist and her faith saved her in her time of trials and tribulations she forgave her husband because according to her she always read the story of the prodigal son in the Bible. Being a born again Christian entails us to always [everyday] read our Bible and know what God plans for us.
2. Must Be A Sister/Brother That Is Pursuing Destiny:
This is the second most important attribute, nobody wants a liability anymore. Gone are the days that the male are left with the sole responsibility of providing for all members of the family. A guy want a girl that is going somewhere Apart from your beauty what else can you offer. In today's world, people value assets not liability.
3.Must Be Find-able:
Do not hide behind those defensive walls you built because of heartbreaks. Not all guys are the same, some have no intentions to hurt you. They too might have their own share of heart breaks, you might need each other to heal. One of the ways to make yourself Find-able is by showing courtesy.
4. Willingness To Begin Small:
I know we all have that dream of our Prince Charming or that picture of a Mr Right, but you got to realize that this is real life not a Disney movie. Everyone want that rich dude that has already made his empire and is searching for his queen, we all want that good life you can't deny that we all humans after all, but recall that there is always a price to pay for everything , that's the law of Karma, you cannot eat your cake and have it back. Marrying an already made man does not guarantee a successful marriage, it does not guarantee your happiness in that marriage. Virtually all successful marriages started small, the young couple planned together and achieve their dreams together. Be content like our mothers were. Believe in your spouse, do not despise the vision of that young man, discuss his vision with him and align it with yours If not a criminal, what concerns a 25year old boy and a car worth 25million naira.
5. A Respectful Woman That is Submissive :
Lots of girls out there do not know what it takes to be married. Show respect and be submissive to your husband, this talk about gender equality should not get into your head, our African culture would not allow it, and the God did not create us equal, He made the man head, As my professor in school would say "God was partial in creation". The way you talk to a brother in church is the way you are going to talk to your future husband. Carry the spirit of humility and meekness
6.Be Hardworking:
A girl that is hardworking always pleases every man. A girl that can do house chores, basic things a wife needs to do. As a girl you should know how to clean, how to sweep, and most importantly how to cook good food, it is fondly said that, 'the way to a man's heart is through the stomach' Be a virtuous woman Proverbs 31vs 10 to 31
7. You Must Be Beautiful:
Often time this last piece of the puzzle is usually the first criterion most men look for, so you can see why some marriages fails. Men are move by what they see, being beautiful in this context does not mean all those packages that are trending nowadays. Boys that are into that or look for that in a girl just want her for fun, a one night stand maybe. Being beautiful here means decency, cuteness, neatness. All those makeup and make over are attracting the wrong set of boys in your life. Being beautiful does not also necessary mean being expensive, you can put on the most expensive accessories available to man and still look unattractive like Jezebel to the right man.
*Note - If your standard is too high for a guy and you want that relationship to work please reduce your standard, just bring it down a little.
I hope you read this and become fill with the spirit of understanding to become a better person and be more prepared for your marriage life, because you prepare FOR marriage you do not prepare IN marriage.
I will love to specially appreciate Pastor Tony Topore the General Overseer of Corel Ministry, AKA Jubilee Chapel, All these are his teachings God bless you sir.
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