Edo State (17,802 km2) is about the size of Lagos State (3,577km2),
Ekiti State (6,353km2) and Osun State (9,251km2) combined?
That Edo State (17,802km2) is bigger than Anambra State (4,844km2), Enugu State (7,161km2) and Imo state (5,530km2) combined?
That the whole of
Esanland ( Edo Central), which is the smallest section of Edo State, is the size of Ekiti State and bigger
than Imo state (5520km2), Anambra State (4,844km2) or Ebonyi State
That former Bendel State is almost twice
as big as the entire South-East Nigeria (Igboland)? Yet, they are asking
for additional state in the SE whereas only Bendel State (Edo and Delta
States) is bigger than the whole of South East but we are not asking
for the 'national cake'? or our own freedom Why have we been asleep?
They call us minority because we are divided even among ourselves.
...Be informed and transformed.....
N'Edo Gha'a Ma.....
Information is POWER!